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Apache Sunset Honey Quartz Landscape Boulders

Southern California quarry producing material from DG fines, crushed rock, rubble, and boulders.
Bulk loads are shipped bulked in end-dump loads of amounts of 10 to 24 tons throughout California.
Smaller orders shipped on pallets anywhere requested.
Honey Quarts Rock, also known as Apache Sunset, is a very hard rock material that is a semi grey colored rock covered in full or in patches with a mineral patina that varies from burnt yellow, orange, red, and purple tones.
The only rock material in Southern and Central California that has colors of red, orange, yellow, and sometimes purple tones, Apache Sunset is an excellent value. For boldly colored landscape boulders this rock is right there with Baja Cresta Red from Mexico. In fact, these two materials complement each other very well in water and landscape features when mixed together.

For great ideas on how to use Honey Quartz Rock and Boulders in landscapes visit our Pinterest page

There are many uses for Honey Quartz rock products in gardens, decorative features, landscapes, hardscapes, dry river beds, and pool areas. The possibilities are endless. Honey Quartz boulders comes in a variety of sizes to fit your needs best ranging from 1 foot to 6 foot.

Honey Quartz - Boulders